
Your readers might want to have a printout of an article you posted, so make it easy for them by putting up a nice ‘Print Friendly’ button on your blog. This tutorial from Prime Aque of simplifiedblogging will show you just how!
  1. Go to
  2. Select your blogging platform, which is of course in this case ‘Blogger/Blogspot
  3. Choose the button design you want
  4. On item 3, select how you want to install the button:
    1. If you choose ‘Install Blogger Widget’, you’ll be directed to your Blogger’s ‘Add Page Element’ (widget) page. There you have the option to provide a name for the button widget. Once you’ve decided, just click on ‘Add Widget’ and the button will automatically be added to your site.
    2. If you choose the latter (‘add code directly to template’), it will provide you with easy-to-follow instructions (item number 4) on how to add the button widget manually.
And that’s it! What I like about this is that it also gives you the option to print the article in PDF format, which I find very useful. I hope you (and especially your readers) find this added feature very helpful.


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