
This featured Blogger trick is created by Adame Doe which I’m pretty sure a lot of Blogger users would appreciate, especially by those of you who are using Blogger’s dynamic views. It’s nice hack that lets you enable the ‘Edit HTML’ button thereby allowing you to access the HTML Editor.
In his tutorial, he shows us two ways to achieve this trick.
First Method – using the old Blogger interface.
Simply change blogger.g in the current URL in the address bar from:
Once you make the change, you should then be taken to Blogger’s old HTML editor.
Second Method – using a booklet.
  1. Simply drag this button’s unlock booklet to your bookmarks’ bar (click and drag to your bookmarks’ bar then release)
  2. Now go to your template page (or any page with locked buttons)
  3. Click on the button/script you just dragged onto your bookmarks’ bar
You should now have access to Blogger’s HTML editor window. Now go ahead and customize your blog’s dynamic views template!


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