There is an answer to your problem. Off course there are many methods to boost your website / blog traffic but usually they require a large amount of time to achieve it. In this post i will explain you how you can use adf.ly service to advertise your site and drive thousands of visitors to your posts with little effort and money!
Adf.ly advertising machine allows you to target by country and day of the week. You can choose in which countries you want to advertise and also which days of the week you want your adverts to be shown. Note that every country has different pay rate.
Advertising Pay Rates for 1000 views
1. For interstitial adverts the cost varies from $5-$0.40
2. For Banner Adverts cost varies from $1-$0.10
Each visitor you will purchase from adf.ly will meet the following criteria:
- Unique within a 24 hour time frame
- They will have JavaScript enabled
- They will have Cookies enabled
- Must view your website for at least 5 seconds
- Anonymous proxy filtered against a massive daily updated list
You may receive traffic that does not meet this criteria, but you will never be charged for it.
IMPORTANT: Leaderboard bannermust be 728x90 dimensions. There are no guarantees for click-through rates.
Adfly provides 2 types of adertising:
1. Interstitial Adverts
Visitor must view your website for 5 seconds and then click "skip ad"
2. Banner Adverts
Visitor will see your leaderboard banner for at least a couple of seconds. No other action required.
In case you are interested in generating cash from your traffic with popup ads - you should try one of the highest paying networks - Clickadu.